Friday, March 13, 2015

As Promised Students...

Students, as promised here is your post! Loaded with interesting articles that pertain to your interest! This is a place where you can learn more than what can be covered in the classroom! I hope to post articles that covers everyone's interest at some point or another. If you are not seeing things that are interesting you leave me a suggestion in the comments and I will definitely consider your topic! I am learning just like you are. Everyday I try to learn something new. This page is a place were I can learn alongside all of you! So let's get to learning!

So for the first "student" post you can check out this article, about Truman and The Cold War. I mean this is a history class after all! :)

The very first blog post! Boy, this is exciting! I cannot wait to share all of my quirky teacher thoughts with the rest of the world! First things first, I am going to be letting you know the purpose of this blog. It is going to have many functions so listen up!

I plan on using this blog to communicate with everybody I know. Kind of. I will be using this blog as my academic information publisher. So Students, Parents, and Teachers HERE WE GO!
STUDENTS - I will be posting items for you all of the time! Study tips for the next test will be posted. Examples for the next project will be put on here for you to see. All sorts of information will be placed on this blog! So keep checking in with me! It could save your life! Well, if not your life, definitely your grade!
PARENTS- You are so important to our classroom that you will also get your own little working page! This will have resources for you like you have never seen before! I will be posting tips on how to help your teenager out in so many different ways! I will also be posting student work on here and my website. Check in periodically to see your shining star's project from last week that he or she did not tell you anything about until the night before it was due! ;)
TEACHERS- UNITED WE STAND! We teachers must stick together. Two heads are better than one, and what better way to prove to our students that collaboration really does work! We need to work smarter not harder! So I will be posting  resources for all to use! If I see something is really working for me and my students you will be one of the first to know!

I look so forward to having continuing communication with you all! Students, parents, and other teachers play a huge part in my daily life. I am around you folks for quite some time out of my 24 hours a day, so why not make it the best it can be?
This blog will be an extension of myself, so feel free to reach out to me on the comments section! Also, you can contact me by emailing me! I want to be available to you just like another resource of information! I may not always know the answer, but that does not mean I will not help you find it!